Antioxidants surround our cells and protect them from Free Radicals. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules. Our body creates free radicals while turning our fuel into energy so it produces antioxidants to clean up after itself. In a perfect world, this would keep us healthy. Unfortunately, pollutants such as cigarette smoke or other offending pollutants that often surround us. The safest and best know supplemental antioxidants are vitamin C and vitamin E.
Eating lots of Vitamin C in your Diet will help protect your arteries, heart, and eyes. Broccoli and red bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, but there are many more. Oranges, strawberries, cabbage, and potatoes are all also very good sources. The National Institute of Health recommends 500 milligrams twice daily along with a variety of foods rich in vitamin C. For smokers, it takes 20 milligrams of vitamin C to help squelch the effects of one cigarette.
Vitamin E helps your bad cholesterol (LDL) from oxidizing. When bad cholesterol oxidizes, it contributes to arteriosclerosis. Some studies have shown a high intake of Vitamin E lowers the possibility of heart disease.
Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, and sweet potatoes but it is hard to get the recommended amount of it in just the diet. To get the maximum protection it is recommended you take supplements of 200-400 IU daily.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E should be taken together because vitamin C revitalizes the vitamin E when it needs it. Clinical studies have suggested 400 IU daily of vitamin E and 500 milligrams of vitamin C should be taken twice a day for 1000 mg to help build up our antioxidants and protect our bodies from free radicals.
Herbs are plants that may be used for its culinary, medicinal, or fragrant properties. They are a wide group of plants that may be growing anywhere.
A safe and silent way to keep our emotional state balanced is aromatherapy using Essential Oils.
Succulents are growing in popularity due to the ability to be slightly neglected. They are low maintenance, beautiful flowers and are easy to propagate.
Herbal Teas are one of the best ways to end the days of working the garden.
Aromatherapy is a pleasing and natural way to boost both your physical health and your emotional well-being using essential oils.